This assignment aims to explore image processing techniques, specifically hybrid images and pyramids.
The purpose of this assignment is to apply data wrangling and exploratory data analysis techniques to baseball data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of Moneyball strategy used by the Oakland A’s baseball team.
This assignment aims to demonstrate skills in data scraping, data preparation, and data analysis using Python.
Web Application — Learning Log
This Python project is an online journal system that lets people keep track of information they’ve learned about particular topics.
CMSC351H_Final Project
A basic analysis of path planning algorithms.
Rust warmup and some interesting methods.
In this assignment, it will implement an interpreter for MicroCaml.
Over the course of Projects 4a and 4b, it will implement MicroCaml — a dynamically-typed version of OCaml with a subset of its features. As part of the implementation of MicroCaml, it will also implement parts of mutop (μtop or Microtop), a version of utop for MicroCaml.
This project implemented algorithms to work with NFAs, DFAs, and regular expressions.
The goal of this project is to increase the familiarity with programming in OCaml and give practice using higher order functions and user-defined types.