This project is an online journal system that lets people keep track of the information they’ve learned about particular topics. The project aims to get familiar with Python and some related frameworks, such as Django and Bootstrap. The project is from the book Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes; I further improved the project by adding features of delete topics, better styling for interactions, and two factor face auth login(via face_recognition
API call).
The language used: Python
A functioning version of the project is deployed here.
Test account: test
Account Password: testlog1
For my implementation, click here.
Some notes:
- The command for Creating a Virtual Environment
python -m venv ll_env
- The command for Active/Stop the Virtual Environment
source ll_env/bin/activate
- The command for Creating a Project in Django startproject learning_log .
- The command for Running Server
python runserver
- The command for Creating the Database
python migrate
- Whenever we want to modify the data that Learning Log manages, we’ll follow these three steps: modify, call makemigrations on learning_logs, and tell Django to migrate the project.
python makemigrations learning_logs
python migrate
- The command for Creating a Superuser in Django
python createsuperuser